KP 842.2

Shock Absorption apparatus associated with well pump
Using of elastomeric suspension is an innovative direction in the field of oil and can significantly reduce the influence of cyclic loads (lifting and lowering the sucker rod) on the sucker rod string, gear, cables, plugs and other items laden with pumping units with a rated load of rod from the wellhead to 40kN 200kN, and accordingly, increase the intervals between repairs major components.
A well sucker rod shock absorber is a relatively inexpensive device and represents a complete of elastic composite elements, fitted up between the upper tranverse plate member and sleeve cable suspension. Elastic elements shock absorber suspension wellhead rod is made from high-tech complex-polymer composites, which absorb more energy per unit weight and capacity than many known materials.
We have developed shock absorbers suspension wellhead rod KP 842.2 (for machines with a rated load the rod up to 80 kN), KP 842.3 (for machines with a rated load of rod from 80 to 120 kN) and KP 842.5 (for machines with a rated load of rod from 120 to 220 kN ).
Temperature range of products is from -70 to +100 C °.
An important distinction between composite elastic elements of metal springs is the absence of oscillations in the application or removal of cyclic loads.
An important distinction between composite elastic parts of rubber is the ability to perceive a higher load and deformation, a much higher their resistance to aging, oil-petrol-resistant, weather resistance, ozone resistance, high frost resistance (glass transition temperature of -100C °).